Quick Fixes: The 80-20 Rule
Many subscribe to the 80-20 Rule — the belief that 80% of a desired goal can be achieved by using only 20% of available resources. Five Points works with your organization to identify areas where minimal changes can bring about major results. These changes may be permanent or temporary in order to free up staff to perform other tasks that they may not have time to address.
Data Integrity & Quality Assurance
When organizations rely on too many manual procedures to process their information, there exists the potential for introducing errors into the information collected. Many organizations don't even realize this problem existis. However, it can dramatically affect the accuracy of the reports you rely on to run your business. By putting in place a set of checks and balances, and automating information processing, Five Points helps you establish procedures for regularly monitoring the accuracy of your information.
Business Analysis & Strategic Planning
Organizations rarely consider information management as part of their larger strategy. The data you store is the foundation for future analysis that will help you make well informed decicions on how to effectively market, manage, or develop a business opprtunity. Five Points works with your staff to ensure that you are collecting and storing infomation essential for present and future analysis. Historical data, collected and properly archived, is essential to the future success of your organization.
Operating Procedures & Information Systems Design
Sometimes the need arises to replace or upgrade existing systems in order to address changes in an organization's business model. Five Points helps your staff review your current systems, clearly identify your organization's functional requirements, recommend suitable solutions, and develop detailed design documents. Additionally, Five Points can oversee your project's implementation to completion.
Project Management
Project planning is indispensable to any management team. Five Points provides objective oversight and clear, meaningful measures of progress. We can ensure an efficient allocation of resources and sensible timetables for your projects. Five Points helps you develop project plans, budgets, technical specifications, request-for-proposals, and other critical materials related to your project.
Documentation & Training
All too often, organizations find themselves without the proper documentation and training materials needed to enable their staff to process information efficiently without the need for ongoing assistance. New hire orientation packages and procedural how-to documents can help bring about a level of consistency at your organization. Five Points works with your staff to create proper documentation and will "train the trainer" to ensure that your staff can provide ongoing training.
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