It's easy to get caught up in day-to-day activities and not take a moment to step back, have a look, and put things in perspective. Take a few minutes to answer the following questions and then consider how your answers play a role in the efficiency and accuracy of your organization's activites.
If your answers to the following questions lead you to beileive you might need some additional assistance getting projects on track, contact Five Points to discus your specific needs.
Strategic Information Planning
Yes No  
Are your goals well defined and realistic?
Can you measure the success of your goals?
Are you clearly and effectively communicating your message?
Is your information easily accessible?
Can you compare current statistics against past and future statistics?
Do you need to manually compile information for your reports?
Are you satisfied with your current systems?
Project Planning & Management
Yes No  
Do projects get completed on time and on budget?
Do you have a project plan that shows priorities and inter-dependencies?
Are the right people performing the right functions?
Can people collaborate from remote locations?
Can you easily generate status reports?
Can you justify the costs of your projects?
Are your processes cost effective?
Training, Mentoring, Capacity Building
Yes No  
Does your staff fully understand the potential of your current systems?
Do you rely to heavily on consultants to maintain your information systems?
Can your staff identify problems in your information systems?
Does your staff take initiative or rely on repeat behavior?
Does it take a long time for a new hire to get up to speed?
Does your staff know the proper procedures for handling problems?
Do you rely on consultants for skills that should be in-house?